Vergangene Termine
Mobilisierung von Widerspruch: Methoden als Werkzeuge. Zum Beispiel: Ethnographie/ Praxeographie/ Wandern
Literatur: Verran, Helen. 2021. Writing an Ethnographic Story in Working towards Responsibly Unearthing Ontological Trouble. In Ballestro, Andrea & Brit Ross Wirthereik (eds.), Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion To Analysis, 235–245. Durkham: Duke University Press….
»Paying Attention to Contradictions ›allows an Argument to take off in one Direction by Rendering another (Direction of Argument) also present‹« (Marilyn Strathern)
Textgrundlage Bartole, Tomi. 2020. The Ontological Antinomy. Food, Surfaces, and Transcendence in the Village of Awim, Papua New Guinea. In HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 10(3), 874–889. https://doi.org/10.1086/711879 (17.05.2022). Mol, Annemarie. 2002. TheBodyMultiple: Ontology inMedicalPractice….
»Die Gefahr einer einzigen Geschichte « (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie). Widerspruch dekolonisieren
Textgrundlage Da Costa Marques, Ivan. 2021. Decolonizing Knowledge Devices. In Andrea Ballestero & Brit Ross Winthereik (eds.).Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion to Analysis, 219–234. Durham: Duke University Press. https://andreaballesterodotcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/ballesterowinthereik-2021-experimenting_with_ethnography.pdf (25.05.2022). Maart, Rozena. 2020. Introduction –…
Contradictions in Dialectics
Textgrundlage | Readings Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. [1986/1813] 2021. Wissenschaft der Logik 2. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 46–80. [Engl.: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. [1813] 2010. The Science of Logic. Translated by George di Giovanni. Cambridge: Cambridge University…
Hegemonie und Antagonismus
Textgrundlage Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. 1985. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy– Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso, 93–148. [Ger.: Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. [1985] 2015. Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie. Wien: Passagen, 125–183.] Weiterführende…
»Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.« (Ibn Sīnā)
Textgrundlage Aristoteles. 1990. Metaphysik. Buch Gamma. In der Übersetzung von Friedrich Bassenge. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 72–102. [Engl.: Aristotle. [1971] 1993. Metaphysics. Books Gamma, Delta, Epsilon. Translated and with Notes by Christopher Kirwan, 1–26 (book gamma), notes…
Working with Concepts as ›Tools‹ (Werkzeug / Mittel / Instrument) and ›Devices‹ (Gerät / Vorrichtung / Apparat) – Towards a Mixed Bag Theory for Contradiction Studies?
Wählen und lesen Sie einen der drei Titel | Chose and read one out of three Bal, Mieke. 2009. Working with Concepts. In European Journal of English Studies 13(1), 13–23. Ruppert, Evelyn S. 2012. Category….
All about Contradictions
Hintergrundliteratur | Background Readings Angehrn, Emil. 2004. Widerspruch. In Ritter, Joachim, Karlfried Gründer & Gottfried Gabriel (eds.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie 12, 687–699. Darmstadt: WBG. Horn, Laurence R. 2018. Contradiction. In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.),…
Bänkelsang to a binaural beat. The issue, the method of delivery, agnotology and the contradiction of selling ‚rodenticide‘
We (Laura Ziegler & Dean E. Stephanus) invite you to think with us as we invoke the legacy of the bench singers “Bänkelsang” that were active in the region that would become Germany from at…