Reading the Present with History. Reading the Past with Anthropology
This talk focuses on an afro-diasporic community located in an Andalusian town (Southern Spain). It concerns a series of families whose identity is linked to the early modern slave trade, while Spanish mainstream society tends…
Academic Freedom and Early Career Researchers. World Café
Moderation: Hagen Steinhauer, Jessica Nuske, Jendrik Nuske, Kevin Kuhlmann, Sarabjeet Kaur, Jonas Trochemowitz What is the role of academic freedom in doctoral studies and scientific qualification? Is academic freedom under threat, and if so, what…
Contradictions in Narrow Definitions of Gender-Based Violence Against Men During Armed Conflict
Philile Langa’s presentation will focus on gender-based violence against men during armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-present). Her research is about challenging and shifting the understanding of what gender-based violence during…
The Entanglements of Race, Gender and Sexuality: South African Indian Contradictions
Durban South African Indian people possess very heteronormative attitudes in their perception and enactment of gender and sexuality. In this talk, Braedon Steven claims that the racialization of Durban South African Indians, marked by British…
Kolloquium Contradiction Studies
Präsentation als Einblick in die Fallanalyse Transnationale Arbeitskämpfe in der Weinlieferkette
Widerspruchsresponsives Recht: Suchformel gerechter Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung Die Vielfalt des Rechts der Sektion Rechtssoziologie an der Universität Marburg
Exploring Contradictions beyond Contradiction
Erste internationale Konferenz der Contradiction Studies
Vergangene Termine
Zur Methode der Widerspruchsoffenheit
Beim Kongress Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty.
Unsicherheit im Herzen der Herstellungspraxen naturalisierter Ordnungen – Race und trans* als fundierende Kategorien in der Sexualhormonforschung
Panel 5: Uncertainty of a ‚Natural‘ Order. (Queer) Feminist Uncertainties/Certainties at the Congress Politische Theorie in Zeiten der Unisicherheit, U Bremen 2023.
Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty
Politische Theorie in Zeiten der Ungewissheit
„Das muss eine Demokratin aushalten können“: Eine Problematisierung des Aushalten-Könnens im Dialog mit feministischen Perspektiven auf Sorge/Care
Vortrag im Rahmen der Dreiländertagung Politikwissenschaft „Zeitenwende – Politik(Wissenschaft) in unsicheren Zeiten“
The Truth of Politics. On the Epistemization of the Protests against the German Corona Policy
The diagnosis of an epistemization of the political, according to which political questions in Western democracies would increasingly be negotiated as questions of knowledge, is confirmed also in the debate about the state imposed measures…
Ethnografie als Methode (in) der Rechtswissenschaft
Die 63. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht 2023 findet vom 18. bis 21. Juli 2023 zu dem 63. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht zum Thema Interaktionen: Internationalität, Intra- und Interdisziplinarität in Hamburg statt.
Vollversammlung und Semesterausklang
Constitution and/or Declaration. Discussing the Question of the (Linguistic) Construction of Contradictions
In this Lunchbox we want to discuss what it means to consider contradictions a product of declaration. In order to make clear the history and theoretical assumption of this concept, we want to give a…
Afrospanish Literature. Between Activism and Creating References
Im Rahmen des 3. Wuppertaler Malala Day 2023.
Performing and Withstanding Contradictions or: an Uneasy Hunch
Carolin Zieringer (GRK Contradiction Studies) Kommentare Dr. Rosine Kelz (U Bremen) Dr. Brigitte Bargetz (U Kiel)