Vergangene Termine
Hegel (anti)kolonial
Hegel arguably developed and disseminated racist and pro-colonialist views. At the same time, he has been a source of inspiration for generations of progressive philosophers, incl. thinkers in the Black radical tradition and their accounts…
(Breaking) Barriers in Academia: Mapping the Field
The dominant understanding of academia assumes that beneficial participation for all involved (students, early career researchers, academic staff…) is based primarily on the ability to make a valuable intellectual contribution to research. In reality, however,…
Im Rückblick: Die Flucht über die Prager Botschaft 1989
Podium zur Diskussion über die Erinnerung an die Ereignisse im Herbst 1989 in der deutschen Botschaft in Prag, im Rahmen des Theaterstückes „Über den Zaun“.
Exclusionary Inclusions: Race in (Trans)national Imaginaries
The first discussion in WoC’s new Agora format will focus on the exclusionary effects of contemporary discourses and politics of inclusion. Taking the globalization and mediatization of the Black Lives Matter movement as a starting…