![Contradiction Studies](https://contradictionstudies.uni-bremen.de/wp-content/uploads/GRK_graphics_sq_08.png)
Hegemonie und Antagonismus
Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. 1985. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy– Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso, 93–148. [Ger.: Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. [1985] 2015. Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie. Wien: Passagen, 125–183.]
Weiterführende Literatur
Mouffe, Chantal. 2000. The Democratic Paradox. London: Verso,›Introduction: The Democratic Paradox‹, 1–16, Chap. 5: ›A Politics without Adversary?‹, 108–129 & ›Conclusion: The Ethics of Democracy‹, 129–140.