Contradiction Studies

Hegemony and Antagonism

Martin Nonhoff (RTG Contradiction Studies)

06/16/2022 5:45 pm 7:00 pm

U Bremen GRA2 0030


Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. 1985. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy– Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso, 93–148. [Ger.: Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. [1985] 2015. Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie. Wien: Passagen, 125–183.]

Supplementary Readings

Mouffe, Chantal. 2000. The Democratic Paradox. London: Verso,›Introduction: The Democratic Paradox‹, 1–16, Chap. 5: ›A Politics without Adversary?‹, 108–129 & ›Conclusion: The Ethics of Democracy‹, 129–140.

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“Contradictions need to be articulated in order to exist.”

Martin Nonhoff
power and resistance

“Michel Foucault says: “Where there is power, there is resistance, and […] this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power” (History of Sexuality I, The Will to Knowledge, 1976, p. 95)”

Gisela Febel

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka

“According to Niklas Luhmann, space is a ‘special facility to negate contradictions’”.

Julia Lossau
diversity and plurality

“Join us to create more diversity and plurality in knowledge production.”

Gisela Febel