Past Events
Exploring Contradictions beyond Contradiction
Contradictions are omnipresent and the identification of contradictions is usually accompanied by the imperative to resolve them. Contradictions can be ascribed to individual actions as well as to social formations. They extend to all areas…
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Leiden an Unwahrheiten? Warum wir Wahrheit brauchen. Eine Diskussion zwischen Michael Hampe, Olivia Erna Maegaard Nielsen, Tammo Lossau und Jonas Trochemowitz
People suffer from contradictions and untruths. Against the background of this observation, Michael Hampe has developed a pragmatist concept of truth, which he believes can explain our striving for truth better than traditional theories of…
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Public vs. Private: From Marx Through Dewey to Arendt and Back
RTG 2686 General Assembly
Datenpolitiken im Spiegel der Contradiction Studies
Lecture as part of the Colloquium Contradiction Studies
Netzwerktreffen GRK 2686 & globale° – Festival für grenzüberschreitende Literatur
Lecture as part of the Colloquium Contradiction Studies
Wissen, Widerspruch und Wissenschaftsfreiheit: Wie man gemeinsam einen Sammelband schreibt
Presentation of the anthology on the topic “Knowledge, contradiction and academic freedom” and discussion on the question “how to write an anthology together”.
Widerspruchsresponsives Recht: Suchformel gerechter Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
Presentation as part of the conference Die Vielfalt des Rechts of the sociology of law section of the University of Marburg
Colloquium Contradiction Studies
Presentation as an Insight into the Case Study Transnationale Arbeitskämpfe in der Weinlieferkette
Contradictions in Narrow Definitions of Gender-Based Violence Against Men During Armed Conflict
Philile Langa’s presentation will focus on gender-based violence against men during armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-present). Her research is about challenging and shifting the understanding of what gender-based violence during…
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