Die Überseestadt: Spiegel kolonialer Verhältnisse
The Bremen Überseestadt, constructed as a new harbor between 1875 and 1913, reflects the close connections between harbor infrastructure and European colonialism. The increase in cargo handling, particularly of colonial commodities, necessitated new port facilities…
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Transnational-Resilient Democracy. On the Conditions for Party Ban Proceedings in Interlegal Systems
On 13.11.2024, a group of 113 members of the German Bundestag tabled a motion to initiate proceedings to ban the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The debate to date has focused on the requirements and…
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Die Zeit in ihrer Vielfalt denken – Anmerkungen aus philosophischer Perspektive
Corona infections, childhood memories, presidential elections, avalanches: everything we experience and witness and all external events can be ordered in time – according to their succession. Time is therefore an ordering parameter, or dimension, of…
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Paradoxien des Auditiven? Ambiguitäten und Diskrepanzen beim Hören und in der Musik
In the psychology of music and basic auditory research, there is talk of “paradoxes of hearing” or “musical paradoxies” (Deutsch 1986, 275-280; Utz 2015, 22-52; Deutsch 1995). But can auditory impressions really be paradoxical? What…
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Agentiver und Nonagentiver Widerspruch. Eine Kartographie der linguistischen Widerspruchsforschung
Publication of the U Bremen und U Vienna international student conference »Debattieren, Opponieren, Protestieren – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf sprachliche Praktiken des Widersprechens« 2023. In ThemaTalkers (Lara Berlage, Julian Engelken, Peter Ernst, Jan Hensellek, Lara Herford,…
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Sounds of Democracy: The Interview as an Instrument of Heuristic Attention to Discursive Voices
Against the backdrop of general considerations of the interview as a genre, the paper discusses under which theoretical conditions interviews are suitable instruments for discourse analysis. With a special interest in questions of the linguistic…
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Ethnographie als Werkzeug (in) der Rechtswissenschaft
Legal research is usually done at a desk, discussions are possible by telephone and even archives are usually accessible online, and most work is based on academic literature. But what insights, perspectives and research subjects…
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„Man kann sich nicht gleichzeitig für Feminismus und Freiheit einsetzen.“ Zur diskursgrammatischen Konstitution von Antonymie
The aim of this article is to theoretically substantiate antonymy as a discourse-linguistic category and to analytically examine it. The central question here is how antonymic relations are grammatically constituted in discourse and what communicative…
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Diskurs ist Widerspruch
Introduction to the special issue Widersprüche.
Als Wien zum Zentrum des tschechoslowakischen Dissens‘ wurde
Publication in the “Archivale des Monats” series of the Research Center for Eastern Europe Studies Bremen. Als Wien zum Zentrum des tschechoslowakischen Dissens‘ wurde. Bremen: Forschungsstelle Osteuropa.
Nachhaltig nicht-nachhaltig. Rechte indigener Gruppen im Freihandelsabkommen EU-Mercosur
European demand for raw materials is growing as part of the energy transition. Many of the raw materials required for the energy transition are located on the territories of indigenous peoples, which often leads to…
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Review: Nationsbildung und Außenpolitik im Osten Europas
Review of the edited volume Nationsbildung und Außenpolitik im Osten Europas. Nationsbildungsprozesse, Konstruktionen nationaler Identität und außenpolitische Positionierungen im 20. und 21. Jahr-hundert (ed. Bianka Pietrow-Ennker).
Queer-Gottesdienste – Entwicklungstendenzen und Generationsunterschiede
Seit jeher sind Gottesdienste Orte christlicher Gemeinschaftserfahrungen und schaffen durch kollektive Formen liturgischer Praxis ein Gefühl spiritueller Verbundenheit. Hierbei stellt sich jedoch kritisch die Frage, inwiefern dieser Anspruch christlicher Gemeinschaft gelebte Praxis oder uneinlösbares Ideal…
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Was lange währt, wird endlich gut? Staatsanwaltschaft braucht drei Anläufe und fast drei Jahre, um gegen einen Neonazi vorzugehen, der erkennbar gegen Jüd:innen hetzt
In Austermann, Nele, Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Heike Kleffner, Kati Lang, Maximilian Pichl, Ronen Steinke & Tore Vetter (eds.). 2024. Recht gegen rechts: Report 2024. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer. printISBN: 978-3-10-397556-7 ebookISBN: 978-3-10-491854-9
Politisierung als Delegitimation. Zur anti-genderistischen Darstellung und Lebenswirklichkeit queer-christlicher Gottesdienste
This article aims to critically examine anti-genderist representations of queer Christian church services by analyzing social media data and discourse ethnographic field research. In this regard, the concept of ‘anti-genderism’ is first discussed with reference…
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Radical Democratic Care: eine sorgetheoretische Perspektive auf Praxen des Widersprechens
Contribution to the Journal Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft In this article, I address the precarious relationship between democracy and care and develop a radical democratic understanding of care – Radical Democratic Care….
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Zur Ästhetik von Widerspruchspraxen am Beispiel des feministischen Abtreibungsdiskurses in den 1970er Jahren
In this article, the proposal is made to analyse practices of contradiction with regard to their aesthetic potential. On the one hand, this is intended to demonstrate the diverse possibilities of contradiction studies and, on…
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Mimicry of Marginality. On Masking Hegemonic Positions Through Discourse
In recent decades, the history of social movements has been characterized by discursive struggles for the attention to (intentionally) overlooked social positions of subjects and their actual or imagined membership in groups marginalized by and…
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Towards Equity and Decolonization? An Introduction into the Blog Debate on the World Health System after the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed systemic problems in the global health system. It revealed that the global health system perpetuates global health inequalities rather than effectively reducing them: The international community, particularly the countries of the…
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»Everything a Learner Needs« – Constructions Of Linguistic and Social Marginality/Centrality In Discourses about (German) Language Learning and Multilingualism
The paper deals with discursive portrayals of language learning and language learners. In a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, it asks whether the status of the language learner is constituted as a phenomenon of…
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