Reading the Present with History. Reading the Past with Anthropology
This talk focuses on an afro-diasporic community located in an Andalusian town (Southern Spain). It concerns a series of families whose identity is linked to the early modern slave trade, while Spanish mainstream society tends…
Contradictions in Narrow Definitions of Gender-Based Violence Against Men During Armed Conflict
Philile Langa’s presentation will focus on gender-based violence against men during armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-present). Her research is about challenging and shifting the understanding of what gender-based violence during…
The Entanglements of Race, Gender and Sexuality: South African Indian Contradictions
Durban South African Indian people possess very heteronormative attitudes in their perception and enactment of gender and sexuality. In this talk, Braedon Steven claims that the racialization of Durban South African Indians, marked by British…
Widerspruchsresponsives Recht: Suchformel gerechter Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung Die Vielfalt des Rechts der Sektion Rechtssoziologie an der Universität Marburg
Vergangene Termine
Negotiations of the Self in Muslim Online Magazines
Rosa Lütge Kommentare Fellow: Eva Arnaszus Gast: Dr. Carmen Becker | Institut für Religionswissenschaft | Universität Hannover
The History of African Philosophy as a Site of Contradictions
Lindokuhle Shabane Kommentare Fellow: Dr. Debora Nyangulu Gast: Dr. Jonathan Chimakonam | University of Pretoria | South Africa
Negotiation the Incompatible. A Discourse-Linguistic Praxiography of Queer Liturgic Practice in Germany
Jonas Trochemowitz Kommentare Fellow: Eva Arnaszus Gast: Prof. Dr. Phillip Dreesen | ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Romuva: Creating Paganism through Contradiction
Eva Arnaszus Kommentare Fellow: Rosa Lütge Gast: Dr. Ulrich Harlass | Universität Bremen
Legacies of War. Historical Research on Underwater Munitions
Alex Souchen | University of Guelph
Legal Regulation of Responsibility and Liability in Transnational Textile Supply Chains
Lilli HascheGastkommentare Dr. Anna Beckers | University of MaastrichtDr. Laura Knöpfel | Basel
Beyond in/dependence. Freedom in a World of Contradictions
Samia Mohammed Kommentare Fellow: Jan Bartsch Gast: Prof. Dr. Francesca Raimondi | Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
« Perdre le nord »: Literarische Subjektkonstruktionen im narrativen Imaginationsraum des Hohen Nordens in franko-kanadischen Gegenwartsliteraturen aus Québec, Acadie und autochthonen Gebieten
Sehnsucht und Zugehörigkeit in der schwarzafrikanischen Diasporaliteratur in französischer und spanischer Sprache
Erinnerung als soziale Norm? Paradoxien des kollektiven Gedächtnisses in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft