The Logical Structure of Dialectics

Prof. Graham Priest (City University of New York, GRK Contradiction Studies)

04.12.2023 14:00 17:00 Uhr

U Bremen GRA 2 0030

Graham Priest will give a formal model of dialectical progression, as found in Hegel and Marx. The model is outlined in the first half of the event, and deploys the tools of a formal paraconsistent logic. In the second half, he will discuss a number of examples of dialectical progressions to be found in Hegel and Marx, showing how they fit the model.

Lektüre zur Vorbereitung:

Hegel’s Logic, Vol. I, Bk. 1, Sec. 1, Ch. 1. (The beginning of the dialectic, where he talks about Being, Nothing and Becoming.)

Marx, Capital, Vol. 1, chs. 1-3 (where he talks about the origin of money).

Priest, Graham. 1998. What is so Bad about Contradictions? The Journal of Philosophy 95(8). 410.

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