Contradiction Studies

How to Handle your (Digital) Research Data Responsibly

07.12.2022 09:00 15:00

U Bremen GRA 0030

An event by the DFG Research Training Group 2686 „Contradiction Studies –
Constellations, Heuristics, and Concepts of the Contradictory“ in cooperation with the
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) and the Research Data Center (RDC) Qualiservice.

Presentations will be in English, but contributions can be made in German.
Responsible research data management is an essential component of good research practice but what does responsible RDM mean? The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to key concepts, requirements and practices of research data management and to foster an exchange about ‚data‘ and their specific surroundings in different disciplines within social and cultural sciences and humanities. For this purpose, the workshop will introduce research data management and will provide a forum for interdisciplinary exchange and small group discussions on selected aspects of data management. The content is relevant for researchers from all disciplinary backgrounds, not only researchers working with empirical data.

Zurück zur Übersicht
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