Orality in Philosophy

Prof. Souleymane Bachir Diagne (WoC Gastprofessor), Prof. Anke Graneß (U Freiburg), Lindokuhle Shabane & Prof. Norman Sieroka (GRK Contradiction Studies)

06.06.2024 18:00 20:00 Uhr

U Bremen CART 067 & online

The role of orality in philosophy is an old and intriguing topic. Some have claimed that philosophy cannot exist as an oral tradition because sophisticated thought presupposes a written form. Others (including Plato) have claimed that writing destroys memory. Still others have formulated central statements in catchy aphorisms and proverbs that are easy to memorise and immediately invite you to unfold their meaning: „You cannot enter the same river twice.“ Fortunately, however, we can enter into discussion with Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Anke Graneß & Lindokuhle Shabane, to unfold the role of orality in philosophy, especially in an African context where oral traditions have always played a crucial role.

Prof. Dr. Souleyman Bachir Diagne | WoC Gastprofessor
Prof. Anke Graneß | U Freiburg
Lindokuhle Shabane | GRK Contradiction Studies

Prof. Norman Sieroka | GRK Contradiction Studies

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