Paradoxien des Auditiven? Ambiguitäten und Diskrepanzen beim Hören und in der Musik
In the psychology of music and basic auditory research, there is talk of “paradoxes of hearing” or “musical paradoxies” (Deutsch 1986, 275-280; Utz 2015, 22-52; Deutsch 1995). But can auditory impressions really be paradoxical? What…
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Agentiver und Nonagentiver Widerspruch. Eine Kartographie der linguistischen Widerspruchsforschung
Publication of the U Bremen und U Vienna international student conference »Debattieren, Opponieren, Protestieren – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf sprachliche Praktiken des Widersprechens« 2023. In ThemaTalkers (Lara Berlage, Julian Engelken, Peter Ernst, Jan Hensellek, Lara Herford,…
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Sounds of Democracy: The Interview as an Instrument of Heuristic Attention to Discursive Voices
Against the backdrop of general considerations of the interview as a genre, the paper discusses under which theoretical conditions interviews are suitable instruments for discourse analysis. With a special interest in questions of the linguistic…
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Ethnographie als Werkzeug (in) der Rechtswissenschaft
Legal research is usually done at a desk, discussions are possible by telephone and even archives are usually accessible online, and most work is based on academic literature. But what insights, perspectives and research subjects…
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The Colonial Making of Bremen’s Peri-Urban Port Area
In Chojnicka, Joanna & Hornidge, Anna-Katharina & Knopf, Kerstin & Chatterjee, Sukla (eds.) Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions, Heterogeneities, Knowledges, Materialities, 219-236. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing. DOI: 10.17885/heiup.1046.c17310
Die Region Bremen. Herausforderungen der regionalen Verflechtung der Stadt Bremen mit ihrem niedersächsischen Umland
Arbeit und Wirtschaft in Bremen (43).
Minorities and Majorities, Marginality and Centrality. An Introduction
In Hanna Acke, Silvia Bonacchi, Carsten Junker, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Ingo H. Warnke (eds.), Religious and national discourses. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Volume 33 in the Series Diskursmuster/ Discourse Patterns eBook ISBN: 9783111039633 PrintISBN: 9783111027739
Hagen von Tronje: Vom Antagonist zum Bösewicht zum Antiheld. Überlegungen zur diachronen Entwicklung und Rezeption einer Antagonistenfigur
In Moskopp, Werner & Stefan Neuhaus (Hrsg.), Figurationen des Bösen. Ein Kompendium, 185-198. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Agency and Incentives of Diasporic Political Influencers on Facebook Malawi
This article examines the agency and incentives that drive the activism of diasporic political influencers on “Facebook Malawi,” an online imagined political community. In their seminal work on “social media dissidents” and “social media self-made…
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Contradiction Studies – Exploring the Field. An Introduction
Since antiquity in Greece, the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC) is considered to be the foundation of all philosophy. As Aristotle maintains in Metaphysics, “the same attribute cannot at the same time belong and not belong…
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Aristokratie der Buchreligionen? Heilige Schriften aus religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive
In Konrad Schmid (ed.) Heilige Schriften in der Kritik. XVII. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (5.-8. September 2021 in Zürich). 643-658. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. DOI: 10.5771/9783374072286
Working Paper “Einrichtungsantrag Contradiction Studies – Konstellationen, Heuristiken und Konzepte des Widersprüchlichen, Lesefassung”
The Research Training Group 2686 Contradiction Studies researches the formation, negotiation and explanatory limits of contradiction. The point of departure is the assumption that the ordering figure of contradiction with the imperative to resolve contradictions…
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Multidirektionale Lexik in der Diskursgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
In Friedrich Markewitz, Stefan Scholl, Karsten Schubert & Nicole Wilk (eds.), Kommunikative Praktiken im Nationalsozialismus. 173–205. Göttingen: V&R unipress. ISBN: 978-3-7370-1612-4
Widerspruchsresponsive Nachhaltigkeit
The EU’s free trade agreement with New Zealand fails to establish a critical concept of sustainability On July 9, 2023, the European Union and Aotearoa New Zealand concluded a comprehensive free trade agreement, which the…
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Zeitliche Vielfalt – Erscheinungsformen von Zeit und die Aufgabe der Philosophie
Proceedings of the symposium Zeit · Geist · Gehirn. Neurowissenschaft und Zeiterleben 2021.
Contradiction Studies – Exploring the Field
“Contradiction” is a core concept in the humanities and the social sciences. Beside the classical ideas of logical or dialectical contradiction, instances of “lived” contradiction and strategies of coping with it are objects of this…
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Zukunft jenseits des Marktes. Demokratie und gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse in sozialistischen Utopien
The almost constantly recurring crises of the democratic order and relations between humans and nature in our age of the Capitalocene are currently reviving debates on economic models beyond the capitalist market economy.
Mythos Zuhören – Bemerkungen zur Diskursphänomenologie gerichteter Aufmerksamkeit
Based on the omnipresence of euphemistic talk about listening, the essay examines the network of relationships between listening and discourse. A widespread myth, in which listening is understood in isolation as a replicative action and…
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Ritual und Experiment – Versuch einer Annäherung an die Natur
The relationship between man and nature is subject to constant change. While nature was long considered threatening and alien, the idea of man in harmony with nature developed in the 16th century. Another profound change…
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Memorialising the Holocaust in Human Rights Museums
This book provides an analysis of the forms and functions of Holocaust memorialisation in human rights museums by asking about the impact of global memory politics on how we imagine the present and the future….
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