Contradiction Studies – Exploring the Field
“Contradiction” is a core concept in the humanities and the social sciences. Beside the classical ideas of logical or dialectical contradiction, instances of “lived” contradiction and strategies of coping with it are objects of this…
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Zukunft jenseits des Marktes. Demokratie und gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse in sozialistischen Utopien
The almost constantly recurring crises of the democratic order and relations between humans and nature in our age of the Capitalocene are currently reviving debates on economic models beyond the capitalist market economy.
Mythos Zuhören – Bemerkungen zur Diskursphänomenologie gerichteter Aufmerksamkeit
Based on the omnipresence of euphemistic talk about listening, the essay examines the network of relationships between listening and discourse. A widespread myth, in which listening is understood in isolation as a replicative action and…
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Ritual und Experiment – Versuch einer Annäherung an die Natur
The relationship between man and nature is subject to constant change. While nature was long considered threatening and alien, the idea of man in harmony with nature developed in the 16th century. Another profound change…
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Memorialising the Holocaust in Human Rights Museums
This book provides an analysis of the forms and functions of Holocaust memorialisation in human rights museums by asking about the impact of global memory politics on how we imagine the present and the future….
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Why Collective Memory can never be Pluriversal. A Case for Contradiction and Abolitionist Thinking in Memory Studies
Bringing together memory studies with the emerging field of contradiction studies, in this article, I suggest the need for an alternative way of thinking about collective memory by juxtaposing the ideal of wholeness that necessarily…
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Wider die Geschichtsvergessenheit. Inszenierte Geschichte – historische Differenz – kritisches Bewusstsein
In the face of growing populism and right-wing radicalism, the fight against historical forgetfulness in thought and action is once again highly topical. At first glance, however, forgetting history – at least in relation to…
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Can a Finite Chain of Hydrogen Cyanide Molecules Model a Crystal?
When calculating structural or spectroscopic properties of molecular crystals, the question arises whether it is sufficient to simulate only a single molecule or a small molecular cluster or whether the simulation of the entire crystal…
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Philosophische Zeitfragen. Weshalb wir mit Zeit taktvoll umgehen sollten
Zeit spielt eine grundlegende Rolle im menschlichen Leben. Zu bestimmen, was ihr Wesen ausmacht, ist bekanntermassen nicht einfach – und ist vielleicht auch nicht die philosophisch interessanteste Herausforderung. Wichtiger scheint es, verschiedene Lebensbereiche zunächst auf…
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Paradoxien beim Hören
Dealing with auditory oddities and ambiguities is not only entertaining, it is also an important driver for basic auditory research. The same acoustic stimulus can actually be perceived in different ways. We not only hear…
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Radikale Demokratietheorie als Gesellschaftstheorie
In Martin Nonhoff, Sebastian Haunss, Tanja Klenk, Tanja Pritzlaff-Scheele (eds.) Politik und Gesellschaft verstehen. Frank Nullmeier zum 65. Geburtstag. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 49–64. printISBN: 9783593516660 eBookISBN: 9783593453088
Philosophie der Physik. Eine Einführung
This volume offers a systematic and generally understandable introduction to philosophical questions in physics and its historical development. It begins with a presentation of important stages in the history of physics in antiquity, the early…
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Introduction. Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption
Research in African Literatures 53(3). 1-22.
Neues Wahrnehmen
Manege für Architektur (Heft 2: Automationen). 36-37.
State of the Planet. Homi Bhabha and Namwali Serpell in Conversation
After explaining the rationale for bringing the author of The Old Drift, Namwali Serpell, and critical theorist Homi Bhabha into conversation, this interview with both of them explores some of the key themes of Serpell’s…
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Wir wollen nicht mitreden, sondern eine andere Sprache. Sprachideologische Positionierung im Diskurs der Identitären Bewegung
In Wiener Linguistische Gazette (WLG) 91 (2022). 1-36.
Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption (Special Issue)
Research in African Literatures, the premier journal of African literary studies worldwide, serves as a stimulating vehicle in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Africa. Reviews of current scholarly books are…
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Geschichtsdenken in historischen Romanen über die Vormoderne
In the face of growing populism and right-wing radicalism, the fight against historical forgetfulness in thought and action is once again highly topical. At first glance, however, historical forgetfulness – at least in relation to…
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Über Widersprüche sprechen. Linguistische Beiträge zu Contradiction Studies
Der Fokus des Bandes liegt auf Widerspruch als Gegenstandsbereich, unter den sprachliche Ausdrucksformen von Entgegensetzung, Paradoxie, Lüge und Einspruch ebenso fallen wie linguistische Methoden des Umgangs mit Widerspruch und Widersprüchlichkeiten in der sprachwissenschaftlichen Disziplinengeschichte. Dabei…
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How to Shape Black Diasporic Identity in France by Reading (About) Literature
This article gives an overview of francophone African diasporic websites such as, and other digital magazines, networks and blogs that are present on different platforms. Taking recent novels, texts of liter- ary criticism,…
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