The Logical Structure of Dialectics
Graham Priest will give a formal model of dialectical progression, as found in Hegel and Marx. The model is outlined in the first half of the event, and deploys the tools of a formal paraconsistent logic. In the second half, he will discuss a number of examples of dialectical progressions to be found in Hegel and Marx, showing how they fit the model.
Recommendet Readings:
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 1831. Logic, Vol. I, Bk. 1, Sec. 1, Ch. 1. (The beginning of the dialectic, where he talks about Being, Nothing and Becoming.)
Marx, Karl. 1867. Capital Vol. 1, Chs. 1-3 (where he talks about the origin of money).
Priest, Graham. 1998. What is so Bad about Contradictions? The Journal of Philosophy 95(8). 410. https://doi.org/10.2307/2564636
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