Taking Stock of the Holocaust – Human Rights Nexus: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Kolleg Forschungsgruppe Universalism and Pluralism in European History

09/09/2024 09/10/2024

LMU München

Junior Fellow Workshop of the KFG. Find the programme here.

Organized by:

Dr. Katrin Antweiler (RTG Contradiction Studies & IfEK, U Bremen)

Ida Richter (Kolleg Forschungsgruppe Universalism and Particularism in European History, LMU München)

Back to overview

“Contradictions need to be articulated in order to exist.”

Martin Nonhoff
diversity and plurality

“Join us to create more diversity and plurality in knowledge production.”

Gisela Febel

“The city is a laboratory not only of modernity, but also of contradiction.”

Julia Lossau
Bhabha on enlightenment and coloniality

“Homi Bhabha says about the contradiction between the ideals of the enlightenment, claims to democracy and solidarity and simultaneous colonization and ongoing coloniality: ‘That ideological tension, visible in the history of the West as a despotic power, at the very moment of the birth of democracy and modernity, has not been adequately written in a contradictory and contrapuntal discourse of tradition.’”

Kerstin Knopf

“The contradiction of law in Derrida lies in the interstice that separates the impossibility of deconstructing justice from the possibility of deconstructing law.”

Andreas Fischer-Lescano