Contradiction Studies

Formale, förmliche und unförmige Widersprüche in Psychoanalyse und Pädagogik

Dr. Mai-Anh Boger (U Regensburg)

06/06/2024 4:15 pm 5:45 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

In psychoanalysis and pedagogy, there is a long tradition of thinking about contradictions, which are not only at the center of reflections on action in theory, but also in practice – qua connection of the respective discipline with a profession. In addition to Freud’s dictum that psychoanalysis and pedagogy are among the “impossible professions” due to these contradictions, one of the best-known pedagogical concepts is that of the “antinomies of pedagogical action” according to Helsper et al. First, information is provided about these theoretical traditions in order to build interdisciplinary bridges. Then, the theory of trilemmatic inclusion is used to develop a proposal on how formal-logical contradictions (Aristotelian), contradictory imperatives for action in a situated practice (antinomic) and self-contradictory desire (psychoanalytic) can be related to each other.

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