Mobilizing Contradiction: Methods as Tools. For Example: Ethnography/ Praxeography/ Walking

Michi Knecht (RTG Contradiction Studies) & Ingo H. Warnke (RTG Contradiction Studies)

07/07/2022 4:15 pm 5:30 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030


Verran, Helen. 2021. Writing an Ethnographic Story in Working towards Responsibly Unearthing Ontological Trouble. In Ballestro, Andrea & Brit Ross Wirthereik (eds.), Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion To Analysis, 235–245. Durkham: Duke University Press. (17.05.2022).

Vogel, Else. 2021. Juxtaposition. Differences that Matter. In Ballestro, Andrea & Brit Ross Wirthereik(eds.), Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion To Analysis, 54–65. Durkham: Duke University Press. (17.05.2022).

Supplementary Readings:

Knecht, Michi. 2013. Nach Writing-Culture, mit Actor-Network: Ethnografie und Praxeografie in der Wissenschafts-, Medizin-und Technikanthropologie. In Sabine Hess, Maria Schwertl&Johannes Moser (eds.). Europäisch-ethnologisches Forschen. Neue Methoden und Konzepte, 79–106. Berlin: Reimer.

Warnke, Ingo H. 2016. Tahrir is not a square. Wie meta- urbane Protestkommunikate städtische Territorien des Widerspruchs strukturieren. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 38(1–2), 65–86.

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“According to Niklas Luhmann, space is a ‘special facility to negate contradictions’”.

Julia Lossau
power and resistance

“Michel Foucault says: “Where there is power, there is resistance, and […] this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power” (History of Sexuality I, The Will to Knowledge, 1976, p. 95)”

Gisela Febel

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
every day

“Living in contradictions is what we experience every day. Why do we know so little about it?”

Gisela Febel

“At first I thought contradiction was always a relational thing; but the more I ponder it, the more I think contradiction creates relation.”

Ingo H. Warnke