Past Events
Alltag und Netzwerke des tschechoslowakischen Exils in Wien nach 1968
New party line and the attempt to assume power: How Marine Le Pen transforms the Rassemblement national from a fringe group to a people’s party
Neighbourliness – Living with Contradictions
Caring for Contradictions
Perspectives of Human Rights Clauses in Free Trade Agreements of the EU
Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption
Learning Skills from Media Instructions
Conceptualizing Resistance and Counterhegemony
Readings Mittelman, James, Christine B. N. Chin. 2000. Conceptualizing Resistance to Globalization. In Mittelmann, James The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance, 165-178. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Alltag und Netzwerke des tschechoslowakischen Exils in Wien nach 1968
Colloquium on Eastern European History, Research Center for Eastern Europe Bremen.
Law and (its) Contradictions
Readings Brown, Wendy. 2002. Suffering the Paradoxes of Rights. In Brown, Wendy & Janet Halley (eds.) Left Legalism/Left Critique, 420–434. Durham: Duke University Press. [Dt.: Brown, Wendy. [2002] 2011. Die Paradoxien der Rechte ertragen. In Menke, Christoph, Franceska Raimondi (eds.) Die Revolution der Menschenrechte:…
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