Past Events
Spaces Old and New
Readings Lossau, Julia. 2020. Anthropogeography. In Kobayashi, Audrey (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 1, 147-154. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Massey, Doreen. 1999. Spaces of Politics. In Massey, Doreen, John Allen & Philip Sarre (eds.): Human Geography Today, 279-294.Cambridge, Malden:…
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The Power of the Powerless
Readings Havel, Václav. 1985. The Power of the powerless. In Havel, Václav, John Keane & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Power of the Powerless: Citizens against the state in central-eastern Europe, 23–96. London: Routledge.
Discourses in Contradiction
Readings: Felder, Ekkehard. 2006. Semantische Kämpfe in Wissensdomänen. Eine Einführung in Benennungs-,Bedeutungs-und Sachverhaltsfixierungs-Konkurrenzen. In Felder, Ekkehard (ed.), Semantische Kämpfe. Macht und Sprache in den Wissenschaften, 13–46. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. Foucault, Michel. 1969. L’archéologie du…
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Like oil and water? Religion and Science
Readings: Bergunder, Michael. 2016.»Religion« and »Science«Within a Global Religious History. In Aries–Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 16, 86–141. Subramaniam, Banu. 2019. Holy Science: The Biopolitcs of Hindu Nationalism. Seattle: University of Washington Press,…
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Textuality of Contradiction
Contradiction Studies und literaturwissenschaftliche Mediävistik | Contradiction and Medieval Literary Studies (Vortrag Elisabeth Lienert) Poetische Ambiguitäten und Rhetorik des Widerspruchs | Poetic Ambiguities and Rhetorics of Contradiction (close readings with Gisela Febel)
»Either you are the victim of a wrong, or you are not. «(Jean-François Lyotard)»
Readings: Lyotard, Jean-François. 1983. Le Différend. Paris: Minuit, 9–19. [Engl.: 1988. The Differend. Phrases in Dispute. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, xi–6.]; [Ger.:1989.Der Widerstreit. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 9–21.] Supplementary Readings: Deleuze, Gilles & Félix…
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Mobilizing Contradiction: Methods as Tools. For Example: Ethnography/ Praxeography/ Walking
Readings: Verran, Helen. 2021. Writing an Ethnographic Story in Working towards Responsibly Unearthing Ontological Trouble. In Ballestro, Andrea & Brit Ross Wirthereik (eds.), Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion To Analysis, 235–245. Durkham: Duke University Press….
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»Paying attention to contradictions ›allows an argument to take off in one direction by rendering another (direction of argument) also present‹« (Marilyn Strathern)
Readings Bartole, Tomi. 2020. The Ontological Antinomy. Food, Surfaces, and Transcendence in the Village of Awim, Papua New Guinea. In HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 10(3), 874–889. (17.05.2022). Mol, Annemarie. 2002. TheBodyMultiple: Ontology inMedicalPractice….
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»The danger of a single story« (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie). How to decolonize contradiction»
Readings Da Costa Marques, Ivan. 2021. Decolonizing Knowledge Devices. In Andrea Ballestero & Brit Ross Winthereik (eds.).Experimenting with Ethnography. A Companion to Analysis, 219–234. Durham: Duke University Press. (25.05.2022). Maart, Rozena. 2020. Introduction –…
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Contradictions in Dialectics
Textgrundlage | Readings Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. [1986/1813] 2021. Wissenschaft der Logik 2. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 46–80. [Engl.: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. [1813] 2010. The Science of Logic. Translated by George di Giovanni. Cambridge: Cambridge University…
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