»Either you are the victim of a wrong, or you are not. «(Jean-François Lyotard)»
Lyotard, Jean-François. 1983. Le Différend. Paris: Minuit, 9–19. [Engl.: 1988. The Differend. Phrases in Dispute. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, xi–6.]; [Ger.:1989.Der Widerstreit. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 9–21.]
Supplementary Readings:
Deleuze, Gilles & Félix Guattari. 1975. Kafka. Pour une littérature mineure. Paris: Minuit, Chap. 3: ›Qu’est-ce qu’une littérature mineure?‹, 29–50. [Engl.: 1986. Kafka. Towards a Minor Literature. Translated by Dana Polan. Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, Chap. 3: ›What is a minor literature?‹, 16–27.]