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Wie weiter nach den Parlamentswahlen in Spanien?

Prof. Óscar García Agustín (U Aalborg), Dr. Seongcheol Kim (InIIS), Prof. Martin Nonhoff (GRK Contradiction Studies & InIIS)

12/07/2023 6:00 pm 8:00 pm

Europapunkt Bremen (Am Markt 20)

After the recent elections in Spain, a stalemate emerged in which neither the PP-led nor PSOE-led coalition of choice could unite a majority behind them. The Catalan nationalists from the left and right suddenly emerged as the kingmakers in the talks to form a government, ultimately enabling the re-election of Pedro Sánchez as Prime Minister in return for a controversial amnesty for Catalan pro-independence representatives.

In order to understand the latest developments in the Spanish political landscape, Prof. Dr. Óscar García Agustín (University of Aalborg) and Dr. Seongcheol Kim (University of Bremen) will hold a panel discussion. The discussion will focus on the election results and the newly mixed party landscape, the role of the nationalist parties and the outlook for the next legislative period, as well as the future of the radical left in Spain after Podemos.

The panel discussion will be held in German and English with simultaneous translation. It is organized by the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies at the University of Bremen, the research platform Worlds of Contradiction (University of Bremen), the Instituto Cervantes Bremen and Europapunkt Bremen.

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