Contradiction Studies

Concepts of Contradiction II

Lilli Hasche & Helen Stephan (RTG Contradiction Studies)

11/07/2023 2:30 pm 4:45 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

As members of the RTG Contradiction Studies we all work in the field of or with contradictions. But what does this concept mean? What does it mean to work with contradiction(s) as a concept, method or tool? How can we come together using contradiction(s)? In two sessions we invite the members of the RTG to discuss their understandings of contradiction(s). We want to enhance finding partners for collaboration who think in similar ways and think about interdisciplinarity as translation – how to translate?

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l’illusion d’une unité

“Foucault speaks of contradiction as l’illusion d’une unité.”

Ingo H. Warnke

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
idea of democratic critique

“If you think that acts of contradicting someone always need to point to better solutions, you haven’t really understood the idea of democratic critique.”

Martin Nonhoff
problem to be solved

“Contradiction is not primarily a problem to be solved but a motor we cannot do without.”

Martin Nonhoff

“At first I thought contradiction was always a relational thing; but the more I ponder it, the more I think contradiction creates relation.”

Ingo H. Warnke