Event Post with the text "Ivan Kalmar: White but not quite. Is there anti-eastern European racism?"

Ivan Kalmar, White But Not Quite: Is There Anti-Eastern European Racism?

Ivan Kalmar, Anke Hilbrenner (HHU Düsseldorf) & Klaas Anders (RTG Contradiction Studies)

04/06/2025 7:00 pm

Foyer Großes Haus, Goethepl. 1-3

Discussion in English

In White But Not Quite: Central Europe’s Illiberal Revolt (2022), Ivan Kalmar examines the political and cultural developments in Central Europe, in particular the emergence of illiberal movements in post-communist societies such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. Kalmar analyses how historical experiences, nationalism and, in particular, the behaviour of the West after 1989 have shaped a form of resistance to liberalism and globalization. The book offers an in-depth perspective on the dynamics of these transformations.

The event will take place on Sunday, April 6, in Bremen and on Tuesday, April 8, in Oldenburg.


Foyer Großes Haus (Goetheplatz 1-3, 28203 Bremen)


Introduction: Klaas Anders (GRK Contradiction Studies)

Moderator: Anke Hilbrenner (HHU Düsseldorf)


Kulturzentrum PFL (Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg)


Moderator: Hans-Christian Petersen (BKGE Oldenburg)

The event is part of the festival So macht man Frühling. More info: https://www.somachtmanfruehling.de/

In cooperation with Bremer Bündnis für deutsch-tschechische Zusammenarbeit e.V., Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Initiative Bremen, BKGE Oldenburg, and the Working Group on Colonial Continuities Oldenburg.

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