The almost constantly recurring crises of the democratic order and relations between humans and nature in our age of the Capitalocene are currently reviving debates on economic models beyond the capitalist market economy. Focusing on democratically planned economies, this volume discusses the ideas of democracy, division of labour, freedom and societal relations towards nature that these proposals for alternative economies entail, and the extent to which they point beyond what exists as possible emancipatory perspectives.

Volume 22 in the Series Zeitgenössische Diskurse des Politischen

ISBN: 978-3-7560-0350-1

ISBN: 978-3-7489-3840-8

DOI: 10.5771/9783748938408

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“Resistance is a democratic right, sometimes a duty. With literature we can find models for this right and think about its limits.”

Gisela Febel
ideal of a contradiction-free world

“Science has long been animated by the ideal of a contradiction-free world in which logical orders could merge with society, politics, culture and language. In the GRC Contradiction Studies we are working on ways of describing the multiplicity and complexity, the danger and beauty of our worlds that clearly go beyond concepts of freedom from contradiction.”

Michi Knecht
coherence in thought

“The imperative of non-contradiction generally produces a coherence in thought that is often at odds with social complexities.”

Yan Suarsana
l’illusion d’une unité

“Foucault speaks of contradiction as l’illusion d’une unité.”

Ingo H. Warnke

“According to Niklas Luhmann, space is a ‘special facility to negate contradictions’”.

Julia Lossau