Maren Schwarz
Neighbourliness – Living with Contradictions
We are all made neighbours as soon as we settle down in any form. This role thus becomes an omnipresent phenomenon that no one can escape and that is lived out in the most diverse ways. In academic discourse, however, neighbourhood/s are set to be dissociated by the fragmenting processes of modernity. With my doctoral project, I aim at revisiting the topic of neighbourhood/s from a geographical perspective and discuss them as spaces of everyday encounter. In doing so, I contribute to our understanding of living together in urban spaces. From my point of view, urban space is characterised by contradictions that are re/produced, negotiated, solved or endured in everyday life.
Research Interests
- Urban Research
- Critical Geography
- (Creative) Ethnographic Research Methods
- Everyday World Perspectives
- Forms of Living Together and Interacting in Spaces
- January – March 2024
Visiting researcher, Department of Geography, Durham University England - since 2022
Research Assistant, Doctoral Fellow, University of Bremen - 2021 – 2022
Student Assistant, Institute for Labour and Economy, University of Bremen, Department regional developement and financial policy, research field city and region - 2020 – 2022
M.A. Urban and Regional Developement, University of Bremen - 2018
Student Assistant, SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen, CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy - 2017 – 2020
Working Group Critical Geography, Bremen - 2016 – 2020
B.A. Geography, University of Bremen
- 2023
Nischwitz, Guido; von Bestenbostel, Martin; Knieling, Fiona; Schwarz, Maren: The Bremen Region – Challenges of the regional interrelationship of the city of Bremen with ist surrounding region in Lower Saxony. In: Institute for Labour and Economy; Chamber of Employees Bremen (Ed.): Labour and Economy in Bremen, 43th edition. - 2022
Cartographies of Low German (with Leyla Olberding), Exhibition: Bremen talks – An Exhibition on Multilingualism in Bremen, Focke Museum Bremen (awarded at the competition of the Bremen Parliament: Best op Platt). - 2021
Audio-walk Peat in Findorff (with Paul Matuszewski)

- 2019
Scientific Comic Rotkäppchen und die Wölfe (mit Finja Beukemann und Lisa Grill) In: Barning, L./Wiechers, H. (Hrsg.): Lupus Hominis – Feldforschung zum Verhältnis von Menschen und Tieren. Kritische Geographie Bremen, 115–128.
Talks, Workshops and Events
- 28.11.2024
Talk Leaving traces – visualising and releasing research results at the Visual Geographies Conference – Approaches, Methods, Questions, Leipzig Institute for Regional Geography - 2023
Reconstructed regions of Low German with Leyla Olberding, Hanseatic (city) routes – Cross-state advanced training series for Low German, Landesinstitut für Schule Bremen - 22.09.2023
Talk How to be: a careful partial participant? at the German Congress for Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main - 20. -23.09.2023
Talk Doors that make neighbourhoods? at the German Congress for Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main - 13. – 14.03.2023
Workshop A fanfold flyer as intermediary between field and science at the 7th annual Meeting of the Working Group Qualitative Methods within geography and spatial social and cultural sciences, Goslar - 27.01.2023
Talk Neighbourhoods as micropolitical fields of negotiation of contradictions at the Conference Neue Kulturgeographie, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg - 28.10.2022
Workshop Rethinking neighbourhoods using the Comparative Urbanism Approach at the Working Group Latin America of the German Society for Geography, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - 17.10.2021
Urban Walk Spaces of fear at the critical urban research at handyshop with Alena Trapp, artistic residence at araum Bremen - 19. – 20.10.2021
Urban Excursion Informality in Bremen at the Latin American Research in Dialogue with Fritz Limberg, Hochschule Bremen - 05. – 09.10.2021
Workshop Light in the City‘ with Prof.in Dr.in Julia Lossau at the German Congress for Geography
- WiSe 2024/25 U Bremen
Seminar Architectural reconstructions – deconstructing built ideologies