Black Bodies on South African Beaches: Lus en Smaak jou lekkerding

06/22/2023 6:00 pm 7:30 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

Prof. Rozena Maart (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, GRK Contradiction Studies)

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“The contradiction of law in Derrida lies in the interstice that separates the impossibility of deconstructing justice from the possibility of deconstructing law.”

Andreas Fischer-Lescano
every day

“Living in contradictions is what we experience every day. Why do we know so little about it?”

Gisela Febel
diversity and plurality

“Join us to create more diversity and plurality in knowledge production.”

Gisela Febel

“The city is a laboratory not only of modernity, but also of contradiction.”

Julia Lossau
problem to be solved

“Contradiction is not primarily a problem to be solved but a motor we cannot do without.”

Martin Nonhoff