Contradiction Studies

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Straßenumbenennungen in Bremen

Lilli Hasche (RTG Contradiction Studies) & Fatou Sillah (U Kassel)

11/30/2023 11:30 am 1:00 pm

Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen

Fatou Sillah | Fachgebiet Just Transitions, U Kassel
Lilli Hasche | RTG Contradiction Studies

Panel Initiativen im Land Bremen
Tagung Der Elefant im Raum, organisiert von Bremen’s Colonial History Working Group.

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name contradiction

“Contradiction becomes real where someone names contradiction.”

Ingo H. Warnke

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
idea of democratic critique

“If you think that acts of contradicting someone always need to point to better solutions, you haven’t really understood the idea of democratic critique.”

Martin Nonhoff
sustained engagement

“The history of Western philosophy can be understood as a sustained engagement with contradiction.”

Norman Sieroka
decolonial scholarship

“Creating decentralizing and decolonizing scholarship on contradiction, contradictory phenomena, and contradicting processes is a challenging task.”

Kerstin Knopf