Introduction to Paraconsistency and Dialetheism

Prof. Graham Priest (City University of New York, RTG Contradiction Studies)

12/05/2023 2:30 pm 4:00 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

Paraconsistency is the view that logical contradictions do not imply everything, and dialetheism is the view that some contradictions are actually true. Though both views are currently unorthodox, they have recently been at the centre of a number of debates in logic and metaphysics. In this talk Graham Priest will explain these views, their history, and some of the issues that surround them.

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“The city is a laboratory not only of modernity, but also of contradiction.”

Julia Lossau

“Contradictions need to be articulated in order to exist.”

Martin Nonhoff
every day

“Living in contradictions is what we experience every day. Why do we know so little about it?”

Gisela Febel

“Geography as a discipline stands for a certain worlding, if not earthing, of contradiction, in both theoretical and pracitcal respect.”

Julia Lossau
problem to be solved

“Contradiction is not primarily a problem to be solved but a motor we cannot do without.”

Martin Nonhoff