Contradicting Contradiction. Knowledge Production and the Pluriversal Turn

Dr. Deborah Nyangulu (RTG Contradiction Studies)

01/23/2024 2:30 pm 4:00 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

In my presentation I will draw on different examples to show how contradiction is a plural noun and a polysemous word. I will argue that rejecting the pluralism of contradiction functions (i) as a strategy gatekeep knowledge and (ii) as a means by those who desire dominance to enforce conformity. I will conclude by showing the implications of my argument on knowledge production at a time when decolonial thininkers, notably from the Latin American school of thought, are using the concept of the pluriverse to explore the co-existence of multiple worlds and realities.

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prison of difference

“‘Contradiction is the prison of difference‘ writes the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Worlds of Contradiction asks: how can we explain and describe the world without making it more coherent and systematic than it is?”

Michi Knecht
problem to be solved

“Contradiction is not primarily a problem to be solved but a motor we cannot do without.”

Martin Nonhoff
hierarchy of norms

“If social contradictions are reflected in law, law cannot form a hierarchy of norms free of contradictions.”

Andreas Fischer-Lescano

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
decolonial scholarship

“Creating decentralizing and decolonizing scholarship on contradiction, contradictory phenomena, and contradicting processes is a challenging task.”

Kerstin Knopf