Past Events
Public vs. Private: From Marx Through Dewey to Arendt and Back
Datenpolitiken im Spiegel der Contradiction Studies
Lecture as part of the Colloquium Contradiction Studies
Wissen, Widerspruch und Wissenschaftsfreiheit: Wie man gemeinsam einen Sammelband schreibt
Presentation of the anthology on the topic “Knowledge, contradiction and academic freedom” and discussion on the question “how to write an anthology together”.
Widerspruchsresponsives Recht: Suchformel gerechter Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
Presentation as part of the conference Die Vielfalt des Rechts of the sociology of law section of the University of Marburg
Contradictions in Narrow Definitions of Gender-Based Violence Against Men During Armed Conflict
Philile Langa’s presentation will focus on gender-based violence against men during armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-present). Her research is about challenging and shifting the understanding of what gender-based violence during…
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The Entanglements of Race, Gender and Sexuality: South African Indian Contradictions
Durban South African Indian people exhibit heteronormative attitudes toward gender and sexuality. In this talk, Braedon Steven argues that the racialization of Durban South African Indians, shaped by British colonialism, is central to understanding these…
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Reading the Present with History. Reading the Past with Anthropology
This talk focuses on an afro-diasporic community located in an Andalusian town (Southern Spain). It concerns a series of families whose identity is linked to the early modern slave trade, while Spanish mainstream society tends…
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Memory Politics as Reparations? Sharing Perspectives from Namibia and Germany
Memory Politics are often juxtaposed with material forms of reparation. With the intention of countering this simplification, we have invited Laidlaw Peringanda to give a lecture followed by a talk with a member of the…
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WOC GradNet Lecture #4: Labeling Theory in Language and Sexuality Studies
In his talk Heiko Motschbacher seeks to make a theoretical contribution to the field of language and sexuality (Motschenbacher 2022). His goal is to use the sociological approach of labeling theory (Becker 1963) to inform…
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Literature as Colonial Loot? Provenance Stories 1910–2021
Can literature – similar to stolen art – become colonial loot? The talk addresses the European appropriation of African literatures under colonialism and provides an insight into the research of literary provenance: from the recording…
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