Leiden an Unwahrheiten? Warum wir Wahrheit brauchen. Eine Diskussion zwischen Michael Hampe, Olivia Erna Maegaard Nielsen, Tammo Lossau und Jonas Trochemowitz
People suffer from contradictions and untruths. Against the background of this observation, Michael Hampe has developed a pragmatist concept of truth, which he believes can explain our striving for truth better than traditional theories of truth. But what does it mean, in this understanding, to suffer from untruths and to search for truths? Why is truth politically and socially relevant? The event will present and discuss these and other questions in the context of Hampe’s conception of truth practices.
Admission is free. If you have any questions, please contact Olivia Erna Maegaard Nielsen (ol_ni@uni-bremen.de) and Jonas Trochemowitz (trochemo@uni-bremen.de).