Panel Discussions
Past Events
Leiden an Unwahrheiten? Warum wir Wahrheit brauchen. Eine Diskussion zwischen Michael Hampe, Olivia Erna Maegaard Nielsen, Tammo Lossau und Jonas Trochemowitz
People suffer from contradictions and untruths. Against the background of this observation, Michael Hampe has developed a pragmatist concept of truth, which he believes can explain our striving for truth better than traditional theories of…
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35 Jahre Friedliche Revolution – Quo Vadis DDR-Erinnerungskultur in Hamburg
With reference to the traveling exhibition Demokratie vor Ort – Persönliche Erinnerungen von Hamburger:innen aus der DDR, a discussion among experts will take place on the significance and development of the memory of the GDR…
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Was ist „Osteuropa“? Geschichte und Gegenwart eines widersprüchlichen Konzepts
Since the total invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, the term “Eastern Europe” has been omnipresent – whether in social media posts or feature articles: Everyone is talking about “Eastern Europe”. But what does…
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Orality in Philosophy
The role of orality in philosophy is an old and intriguing topic. Some have claimed that philosophy cannot exist as an oral tradition because sophisticated thought presupposes a written form. Others (including Plato) have claimed…
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Widersprechen gegen das Vergessen. Tschechoslowakische Zwangsarbeiter*innen in der Region Bremen
Forced laborers from the occupied territories of what was then Czechoslovakia (“Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia”) are among the most invisible victims of National Socialist crimes in and around Bremen. It is very difficult to…
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Wie weiter nach den Parlamentswahlen in Spanien?
The panel discussion will be held in German and English with simultaneous translation. After the recent elections in Spain, a stalemate emerged in which neither the PP- nor PSOE-led coalition of choice could unite a…
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Widersprüche der Erinnerungskultur. Die Realität der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft anerkennen?
Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist stark von Migrationsbewegungen und dadurch von einer Vielstimmigkeit an Vergangenheits- und Erinnerungsnarrativen geprägt und die hier lebenden Menschen stützen ihre Identitäten auf unterschiedliche kulturelle Praktiken des Erinnerns. Das sog. Kollektive Gedächtnis…
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Constitution and/or Declaration. Discussing the Question of the (Linguistic) Construction of Contradictions
In this Lunchbox we want to discuss what it means to consider contradictions a product of declaration. In order to make clear the history and theoretical assumption of this concept, we want to give a…
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Afrospanish Literature. Between Activism and Creating References
At the 3rd Wuppertaler Malala Day 2023.
Blackness as a Universal Claim. Holocaust Heritage, Noncitizen Futures and Black Power in Berlin
In this bold and provocative new book, Damani Partridge examines the possibilities and limits for a universalized Black politics. German youth of Turkish, Arab, and African descent use claims of Blackness to hold states and…
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