contradiction studies

Kolloquium Contradiction Studies

Nils Kohlmeier & Klaas Anders (RTG Contradiction Studies)

04/04/2024 4:15 pm 5:45 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

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“The city is a laboratory not only of modernity, but also of contradiction.”

Julia Lossau
hierarchy of norms

“If social contradictions are reflected in law, law cannot form a hierarchy of norms free of contradictions.”

Andreas Fischer-Lescano
coherence in thought

“The imperative of non-contradiction generally produces a coherence in thought that is often at odds with social complexities.”

Yan Suarsana
l’illusion d’une unité

“Foucault speaks of contradiction as l’illusion d’une unité.”

Ingo H. Warnke
name contradiction

“Contradiction becomes real where someone names contradiction.”

Ingo H. Warnke