Internal Events
Past Events
Alltag und Netzwerke des tschechoslowakischen Exils in Wien nach 1968
New party line and the attempt to assume power: How Marine Le Pen transforms the Rassemblement national from a fringe group to a people’s party
Neighbourliness – Living with Contradictions
Caring for Contradictions
Perspectives of Human Rights Clauses in Free Trade Agreements of the EU
Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption
Learning Skills from Media Instructions
Conceptualizing Resistance and Counterhegemony
Readings Mittelman, James, Christine B. N. Chin. 2000. Conceptualizing Resistance to Globalization. In Mittelmann, James The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance, 165-178. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Working with the Concepts of Resistance and Counterhegemony
Law and (its) Contradictions
Readings Brown, Wendy. 2002. Suffering the Paradoxes of Rights. In Brown, Wendy & Janet Halley (eds.) Left Legalism/Left Critique, 420–434. Durham: Duke University Press. [Dt.: Brown, Wendy. [2002] 2011. Die Paradoxien der Rechte ertragen. In Menke, Christoph, Franceska Raimondi (eds.) Die Revolution der Menschenrechte:…
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