In Meier, Christel, Carolin Führer, Marco Magirius & Silke Kubik (eds.) Evaluative ästhetische Rezeption als Grundlage literarischen Verstehens und Lernens: Theorie und Empirie (KREAplus Band 28) 243–256. Muenchen: kopaed.
ISBN: 978-3-96848-095-4
In Meier, Christel, Carolin Führer, Marco Magirius & Silke Kubik (eds.) Evaluative ästhetische Rezeption als Grundlage literarischen Verstehens und Lernens: Theorie und Empirie (KREAplus Band 28) 243–256. Muenchen: kopaed.
ISBN: 978-3-96848-095-4
“The city is a laboratory not only of modernity, but also of contradiction.”
Julia Lossau
“The basis of law is not an idea as a systematic unified principle but a paradox.”
Andreas Fischer-Lescano
“The imperative of non-contradiction generally produces a coherence in thought that is often at odds with social complexities.”
Yan Suarsana
“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”
Norman Sieroka
“Creating decentralizing and decolonizing scholarship on contradiction, contradictory phenomena, and contradicting processes is a challenging task.”
Kerstin Knopf