Lilli Hasche

Transnational Legal Struggles on Contracts for Better Working Conditions in Global Supply Chains

The global economic system is characterized by a transnational mode of production in supply and value chains in which workers are structurally exploited and human rights are violated. Transnational companies operate with the help of a network of subcontractors and trading partners. In addition to national and international law, these value chains are designed by contracts between transnational corporations, suppliers and their employees. Thus, contracts allow production through division of labor, co-constitute supply chains (legally) and influence working and living conditions of workers worldwide.

After the boom of corporate social responsibility initiatives, newer approaches try to influence contracts with the aim to shape them in a way that prevents human rights violations. Transnational legal theory makes it possible to study contract networks as law and contract negotiations as legal struggles. How, for example, do responsible contracting initiatives with model contract clauses and transnational trade union networks attempt to influence contract design and negotiations in labour disputes? What challenges do they face? How do they deal with contradictions?

Research Interests
  • Postcolonial and Feminist Theory
  • Legal Anthropology / Law and Society
  • Critical Legal Theory (Feminist, Postcolonial, Materialist)
  • Postcolonial / Feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Postcolonial Perspectives on Bremen
  • 2017 – 2022
    Law (First State Exam), University of Bremen
  • 2014 – 2018
    M. A. Transcultural Studies, University of Bremen and Paris I – Sorbonne-Panthéon
  • 2010 – 2014
    B. A. Political Science, University of Bremen
Talks, Workshops and Events
  • 18.11.2024
    Organization of the Talk Memory Politics as Reparations? Sharing Perspectives from Namibia and Germany with Laidlaw Peringanda and Fatou Sillah, Hafenmuseum Bremen
  • 09.10.2024
    Panel Discussion Wine from South Africa: colonial origins and transnational struggles with Jamie-Lee Clarentia Geslin, Jonathan Bensley Appies, Deneco Dubé and Martin Lechner, DGB-Haus Bremen
  • 30.11.2023
    Talk Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Straßenumbenennungen in Bremen at the Conference Der Elefant im Raum, Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen
  • since 2016
    Development and Performance of a Postcolonial City Tour through Bremen-Überseestadt and Development of an Audiowalk. Accessible at:
  • 20.07.2023
    Talk Ethnografie als Methode (in) der Rechtswissenschaft at the 63. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht, University of Hamburg
  • 23.10.2018
    Talk Anbau, Handel, Verarbeitung, Prüfung und Qualitätsstandards von Baumwolle. Welche Rolle hat Bremen heute? with Dr. Axel Drieling at the theme-centered Semester on Global Cotton, Faserinstitut Bremen.
  • 19.10.2018
    Talk Reflexionen über Konzeption und Durchführung postkolonialer Stadtrundgänge in ehemaligen Hafengebieten am Beispiel Bremen with Janne Jensen at the Symposium Häfen. Knotenpunkte der Globalisierung. Geschichte, Perspektiven, Musealisierung, Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
  • 13.08.2018
    Talk Baumwollbörse, Überseehafen und Qualitätsstandards. Was der Kolonialismus mit Bremen und seinem Baumwollhandel zu tun hat at the Informatica Feminale/Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni, University of Bremen
  • 28.05.2018
    Panel Discussion King Cotton – Die Geschichte des globalen Kapitalismus with Sven Beckert, Klaus Schlichte and Ohiniko Toffa, University of Bremen
  • 15.05.2018
    Talk Globaler Baumwollhandel postkolonial betrachtet with Silke Betscher und Martina Grimmig at the excursion Bremen-Liverpool – Postkoloniale Hafenstädte
Is contradiction eurocentric?

“Is contradiction a eurocentric concept, operational phenomenon, and instrument of power?”

Kerstin Knopf

“Resistance is a democratic right, sometimes a duty. With literature we can find models for this right and think about its limits.”

Gisela Febel

“The basis of law is not an idea as a systematic unified principle but a paradox.”

Andreas Fischer-Lescano

“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
every day

“Living in contradictions is what we experience every day. Why do we know so little about it?”

Gisela Febel