RTG Contradiction Studies

Kolloquium Contradiction Studies

Carolin Zieringer (GRK Contradiction Studies)

10/15/2024 2:15 pm 3:45 pm

U Bremen GRA 2 0030 & online

Text Discussion on the Topic Contradictions of Care Work: Capitalism, Governmental Precarization and Care Strikes

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“Contradictions are an important driver of scientific practice and knowledge.”

Norman Sieroka
problem to be solved

“Contradiction is not primarily a problem to be solved but a motor we cannot do without.”

Martin Nonhoff
name contradiction

“Contradiction becomes real where someone names contradiction.”

Ingo H. Warnke

“Resistance is a democratic right, sometimes a duty. With literature we can find models for this right and think about its limits.”

Gisela Febel
power and resistance

“Michel Foucault says: “Where there is power, there is resistance, and […] this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power” (History of Sexuality I, The Will to Knowledge, 1976, p. 95)”

Gisela Febel