Minorities and Majorities, Marginality and Centrality. An Introduction
In Hanna Acke, Silvia Bonacchi, Carsten Junker, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Ingo H. Warnke (eds.), Religious and national discourses. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Volume 33 in the Series Diskursmuster/ Discourse Patterns eBook ISBN: 9783111039633 PrintISBN: 9783111027739
Marginalisierung in der Marginalität? Ein Blick auf digitale Räume anhand sprachlicher Konstruktion von randständigen Positionen im Kontext von Asexualität
This article discusses marginalisation in internet forums and blogging platforms using the example of asexuality blogs and discussion threads. While large corpora of both English and German, such as COCA and DeReKo, contain hardly any…
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Gänsehaut, Liebe und Langeweile. Sprachliche Konstitution von Emotionen in Laienbuchrezensionen aus dem Schullektürekanon
In Meier, Christel, Carolin Führer, Marco Magirius & Silke Kubik (eds.) Evaluative ästhetische Rezeption als Grundlage literarischen Verstehens und Lernens: Theorie und Empirie (KREAplus Band 28) 243–256. Muenchen: kopaed. ISBN: 978-3-96848-095-4
Digitale Räume als Aushandlungsort für Zentralität und Marginalität
In Auteri, Laura, Natascia Barrale, Arianna di Bella & Sabine Hoffmann (eds.) Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik. Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive. Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) 6: 511-515. Bern: Peter Lang…
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Paradoxien des Auditiven? Ambiguitäten und Diskrepanzen beim Hören und in der Musik
In the psychology of music and basic auditory research, there is talk of “paradoxes of hearing” or “musical paradoxies” (Deutsch 1986, 275-280; Utz 2015, 22-52; Deutsch 1995). But can auditory impressions really be paradoxical? What…
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Can a Finite Chain of Hydrogen Cyanide Molecules Model a Crystal?
When calculating structural or spectroscopic properties of molecular crystals, the question arises whether it is sufficient to simulate only a single molecule or a small molecular cluster or whether the simulation of the entire crystal…
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Sounds of Democracy: The Interview as an Instrument of Heuristic Attention to Discursive Voices
Against the backdrop of general considerations of the interview as a genre, the paper discusses under which theoretical conditions interviews are suitable instruments for discourse analysis. With a special interest in questions of the linguistic…
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State of the Planet. Homi Bhabha and Namwali Serpell in Conversation
After explaining the rationale for bringing the author of The Old Drift, Namwali Serpell, and critical theorist Homi Bhabha into conversation, this interview with both of them explores some of the key themes of Serpell’s…
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Introduction. Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption
Research in African Literatures 53(3). 1-22.
Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift: Disruption (Special Issue)
Research in African Literatures, the premier journal of African literary studies worldwide, serves as a stimulating vehicle in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Africa. Reviews of current scholarly books are…
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Agency and Incentives of Diasporic Political Influencers on Facebook Malawi
This article examines the agency and incentives that drive the activism of diasporic political influencers on “Facebook Malawi,” an online imagined political community. In their seminal work on “social media dissidents” and “social media self-made…
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Widersprüchliche Figuren in vormoderner Erzählliteratur
Contradictory characters are characters whose internal characterization in the text is contradictory or who are designed in and as a contradiction to discourses and traditions external to the text. The volume contains case studies from…
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Einleitung. Was ist eine widersprüchliche Figur?
BmE Themenheft 6. Widersprüchliche Figuren in vormoderner Erzählliteratur: 1–23 DOI: 10.25619/BmE2020396
Herrschaft und Macht im Widerspruch. Problematische Könige im ›Nibelungenlied‹
Using the examples of Gunther, Siegfried, Dietrich of Bern and Etzel in the ‘Nibelungenlied’, the lecture examines contradictions between royal rank and actual power to act, between the actions of rulers and the discourse of…
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Idealisierung und Widerspruch. Zur Figurenkonstitution von Rudolfs von Ems Alexander.
In Krotz, Elke, Norbert Kössinger, Henrike Manuwald & Stephan Müller (Hrsg.), Rudolf von Ems. Beiträge zu Autor, Werk und Überlieferung (ZfdA Beihefte 29), 103–116. Stuttgart: Hirzel. printISBN: 978-3-7776-2679-6 eBook ISBN: 978-3-7776-2783-0
Widersprüche in heldenepischem Erzählen
This article (re-)examines (marked) inconsistencies and incompatibilities in Middle High German heroic epic. Those contradictions may result from oral tradition, from the difficulties of transfering oral narratives into literacy, from the conditions of performing from…
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Knowledges and Contradictions in Premodern Narratives.
Contradiction is not just a (post-)modern phenomenon. In premodern narratives, conflicting concepts and logical inconsistencies are omnipresent. This paper focuses on contradictions interdependent with knowledge: Traditional narratives may aggregate different versions of matters rooted in…
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Erzähllogiken transnational. Narratologische Aspekte der Rezeption französischer Heldenepik in frühneuhochdeutscher ProsaErzähllogiken transnational
Yearbook of the Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft, Band 22 (2018/2019): Romania und Germania. Kulturelle und literarische Austauschprozesse in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. DOI: 10.29091/9783954906765/007
“Wildekeit” und Widerspruch. Poetik der Diskrepanz bei Konrad von Würzburg
In: Schröder, Werner, Susanne Köbele, Klaus Ridder, Eckart Conrad Lutz, Ricarda Bauschke, Franz-Josef Holznagel, Julia Frick & Veronika Hassel. 1970. Wolfram-Studien XXV): 323–341. Berlin: E. Schmidt.
Antagonisten im höfischen Roman? Eine Skizze
This contribution (re-)examines the description and multiple functions of selected antagonists in courtly romance around 1200. Excepting romance of antiquity, one rarely encounters equal opponents who represent a contrary system of values and continue to…
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