Past Events
Black Atlantic Affordances. Contested Memory Cultures
Dr. Deborah Nyangulu and Dr. Jana Weiss convened the ‘Black Atlantic Affordances. Contested Memory Cultures` conference at the University of Texas at Austin from Feb 23 – 25. The event featured a range of speakers…
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Workshop with John Holloway
The workshop is open to BA, MA, and PhD Candidates. We have currently reserved 5 places for members of the Training Group. Please, register with me in advance, if you are interested.
Bänkelsang to a binaural beat – The issue, the method of delivery, agnotology and the contradiction of selling ‘rodenticide’
We (Laura Ziegler & Dean E. Stephanus) invite you to think with us as we invoke the legacy of the bench singers “Bänkelsang” that were active in the region that would become Germany from at least the 17th…
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General Assembly
Hoffnung in hoffnungslosen Zeiten
Prof. John Holloway is known for his influential writings on the renewal of Marxist theory, the relationship between the state and capitalism and forms of anti-capitalist struggle. These include the books Changing the World Without…
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Zwischen Linguistik, Widersprüchen und Feminismus. Ein Werkstattbericht zum Promotionsprojekt Abtreibung – Diachronie eines Gegendiskurses
Guest lecture as part of the seminar “Sprache, Wissen, Macht in biomedizinischen Diskursen” (Prof. Dr. Constanze Spieß and Lesley-Ann Kern)
Contradicting Contradiction. Knowledge Production and the Pluriversal Turn
In my presentation I will draw on different examples to show how contradiction is a plural noun and a polysemous word. I will argue that rejecting the pluralism of contradiction functions (i) as a strategy…
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Faculty Meeting
Memory and Morals in Transnational Constellations
Board meeting